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In addition to supporting new national, members support policies regarding affiliation with NNU

From the Massachusetts Nurse Newsletter
October 2009 Edition

MNA members enjoy lunch, and a beautiful view, on the terrace at the Ocean Edge Resort prior to the start of the business meeting.

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At the annual meeting the membership voted by more than a three to one margin in favor of the MNA’s affiliation with the NNU, and passed all related motions supporting the organization’s participation in the new union. A motion affirming the Board of Director’s selection of Karen Higgins as one of three presidents and Beth Piknick as a vice president to the executive council of the NNU, establishes a method of selecting Massachusetts delegates for the NNU convention and has the Board develop a policy for future election of Massachusetts NNU delegates to be brought to the MNA business meeting for review and adoption (visit the DELEGATE page for details).

The membership also voted in favor of a motion that grants the Board of Directors interim authority to withdraw MNA’s affiliation from the national with just 30 days notice subject to a vote to repeal the board’s decision by the membership at the next business meeting. This motion is in keeping with the membership’s expressed desire to be able to disaffiliate should that become necessary in the future without the hassle the organization went through back in 2001 when we left ANA. The policy is supported by language contained in the legal affiliation document underpinning our participation, which was drafted under guidance by MNA’s legal counsel. While the organization doesn’t anticipate ever having the need to exercise this option, it provides the MNA with greater leverage within the new national and a means of exiting the organization to protect our members interests in the future.

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