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Leglistators Deliver Letter of Support for RNs to Romney/Healey

Seek a Quick & Equitable Resolution for the States Most Vulnerable Patients

View the bipartisan letter supporting state employed Unit 7 RNs letter here.

Legislative leaders today delivered a bipartisan letter supporting state employed Unit 7 RNs and other health care professionals to the Governor’s office. The letter of support, which has been signed by 125 Senators and Representatives, calls on Governor Romney and Lt. Governor Healey to settle the contract.

In delivering the letter to the Governor’s office, Senator Mark Pacheco said, “Quality health care issues should be paramount particularly in Unit 7 where the RNs are taking care of the most vulnerable among us.”

“After over 1,000 days without a contract we are heartened by this overwhelming support from the Legislature,” said Bill Fyfe, RN and Unit 7 president. “While it is very frustrating to our 1,800 members to go this long without a contract, it has become increasingly problematic for many very fragile patients for whom we care.”

Legislators seek a quick, equitable resolution that will guarantee the continued quality care for the state’s most vulnerable patients. The letter from both Democrats and Republicans calls on the Romney/Healey administration to act for the patients, “We urge you to negotiate a fair contract that properly addresses issues of recruitment and retention and ensures that our most vulnerable residents have the care they need and deserve.”

State-employed health professionals include registered nurses, physicians, pharmacists, psychologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, dentists, speech and hearing therapists and podiatrists. They work in soldiers’ homes for disabled veterans; state hospitals for the mentally ill; and residential facilities for mentally retarded adults. They also work at centers for HIV and drug-affected mothers and children; group homes for those cannot live independently; and high-security wards for violent adolescents or suicidal/homicidal residents; mentally ill prisoners; and clients sent for pre-trial evaluations.

“We came today to tell the Governor that these professionals deserve to be treated with respect. This is an issue of fairness and we urge the administration to resolve this matter,” said Senator Pacheco.

“It is our hope, that for the sake of the patients, the Romney/Healey administration will move quickly and equitability to resolve this situation. They have allowed this to drag on for almost three years. Let us concentrate all our energies on the most important task at hand, caring for the states most vulnerable patients”, said Fyfe.