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More info on DPH Public Reports on Infections and Serious Events (MC)

TheMassachusettsDepartment of Public Healthpresented two reports, on infections and Serious Reportable Events,at yesterday’s PublicHealth Council meeting. Read about the presentations, and accessthe reports that are on the DPH website,on the HCFA blog.

The Serious Reportable Events report is available on-line and lists numbers and types of events by hospital. Overall, 338 Serious Events were reported to DPH in 2008. A large majority of these were serious falls. The DPH website includes a summary report and a chart listing the events as well as the hospitals’ responses to the events (why they occurred and/or steps taken to prevent them from happening again).

A presentation about infections reportedduring 4 months of 2008 was given during the meeting butafinal report is not yet available.DPH plans to issue a report listing infections by hospital in February 2010.

Contact Deb Wachenheim with any questions about these reports (

The next HCFA E-health lunch meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 29, 11:45am-1:00pm, at Health Care For All, 30 Winter Street, Boston. The meeting will feature the premiere of a consumer education video titled "Balancing Risks and Benefits: Sharing Sensitive Health Information." Speakers from the Health Information Security and Privacy Collaborative will discuss the video and how it is being used. RSVP to Lisa Fenichel at Lunch will be provided.