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Premium increases keep coming (MS)

IT IS good to see that, in his April 9 op-ed "Healthcare: Let’s build on what we know," James Roosevelt Jr., CEO of Tufts Health Plan, acknowledges that the state’s current health insurance system is not yet sustainable. Yet he argues that importing successful systems from other countries is not likely to succeed in this country. He argues, naturally, for a continuation of our current system of private health insurance providers.

I work for an organization that just received its annual premium renewal notice from Tufts, which came in at a 23 percent increase over the previous year.

I look forward to Roosevelt’s organization being able to demonstrate that it and other private insurers can deliver insurance in a manner that is financially sustainable (for the customer, not the insurance carrier). After several years of double-digit annual increases, we have no evidence to date that the private market can do this.

Michael Goldman