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Managing Ethical and Legal Challenges after Catastrophic Disaster – Taana TeleseminarAugust 20 09

Download the handout for today’s (August 20 2009) Taana (The American Association of Nurse Attorneys) conference call on implications for nurses of being involved in disaster response.

Speaker Chad Stuart Priest, RN, BSN, JD, received his JD, with honors, from the George Washington University Law School in 2005 and his BSN, with distinction, from Indiana University in 1999. Priest is currently an associate attorney at Baker & Daniels, LLP, providing regulatory and compliance counsel for a variety of health care entities. Priest also provides legal and operational counseling to health care organizations around disaster response and management issues. He also provides government affairs representation and public policy analysis for health care and social service clients including physician and nursing organizations and health systems.


  • Identify catastrophic disaster events, and appreciate the distinction between preparing for traditional disasters and catastrophic disasters.
  • Describe the events occurring at Memorial Hospital in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent criminal and civil legal actions that resulted from allegations involving involuntary euthanasia.
  • Articulate the legal and ethical challenges associated with providing acute care during and after a catastrophic disaster.