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Roundup of H1N1 Resources for Nurses

With the traditional flu season fast approaching, the nation’s pedal-to-the-metal effort to produce a sufficient supply of vaccine and put measures in place to prepare for a new H1N1 virus outbreak is about to be tested. A heavier than expected load of cases during the summer months has health care providers and public health officials concerned.

A number of government agencies and health organizations are doing their part to prepare. Following is a roundup of online H1N1 resources for nurses and other health care providers, featuring resources offered by the National Association of School Nurses (NASN), the Americans Nurses Association (ANA), and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), as well as several federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Department of Education (ED). Many of the federal resources are gathered together under a Web site created specifically to address the H1N1 outbreak, called, “”

Staying Safe on the Job

Nurses and other health care professionals need to stay healthy so they can continue treating their patients. Online resources on the subject include:

Resources for School Nurses

A number of organizations offer materials aimed specifically at school nurses. Those resources include:

Materials for Specific Health Care Institutions

The CDC is offering several checklists aimed at helping different types of health care institutions prepare for H1N1. These include:

General Information

Other useful resources include: