A few weeks ago, we warned you that Congress might become distracted by lobbyists seeking to shield negligent doctors and hospitals from accountability. Today, at least 23 amendments to the health care bill would do just that, weakening our right to hold negligent providers accountable when they cause severe permanent injuries or death.
In fact, the woefully inadequate health care bill introduced by Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) already endorses money for experiments with substitutes for the civil justice system.
The Senate Finance Committee begins voting on amendments to the health care bill TODAY. Please contact your senators now and tell them to say no to health industry lobbyists!
Medical malpractice is at epidemic levels in this country. The National Institute of Medicine estimated in 1999 that up to 98,000 people die every year in America’s hospitals from medical errors. Congress should focus on improving patient safety and reducing deaths and injuries with simple reforms, such as those suggested in Public Citizen’s recent report.
Letting negligent doctors and hospitals off the hook would do the opposite. It would leave us all exposed to medical negligence and stick us with the bill when people are hurt.
Tell your members of Congress: Improve patient safety and save lives. Oppose any amendments that would limit access to court for severely injured patients and their families.
Thank you for all you do!
Rick, Angela, Eric, and Glenn
Your Advocates at Public Citizen