News & Events

Oct 13 09 Magnet hospital serves up radiation overdoses to 200 patients for 18 months before a patient discovers the problem

We are beginning to hear of more flu activity in the schools. Here are a few updates in answer to some of your questions:

1. Consent Forms in Other Languages: DPH will be posting Vaccine Consent Forms in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Haitian Creole and Vietnamese. As of right now, the Portuguese version is up on our website, in the “Vaccine” section of the “Information for Healthcare and Public Health Professionals” page. The others are in process and will be up in the next few days. Please have folks continue to check our website.

Also,the entire section (Healthcare and Public Health Professionals”)is in the process of being further sub-categorized – we are aware that the information is getting extensive.!

2. Legal Review Regarding Use of of Nursing Students: I wanted to make sure that you all are aware that the PREP Act declaration for H1N1 vaccine was amended by the Secretary of HHS, effective September 28. The amendment removes the confusion about whether non-licensed individuals are “qualified persons” to administer the vaccine and thus to get the Act’s liability protection. They are qualified persons, as long as they are authorized to prescribe, administer or dispense the H1N1 vaccine by the state. For our purposes, this means that medical and nursing students are now clearly protected by the PREP Act. Please forward this to anyone not on this list who should know. Thanks. Priscilla Fox, Deputy General Counsel, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 250 Washington St., Boston, MA 02108

Best wishes—and please keep in touch.