News & Events

Nov 6 2009 NSO’s Outstanding Nurse Search Contest

Reminder – Nominate Your Favorite Nurse for the NSO Outstanding Nurse Search!

In September, NSO launched the Outstanding Nurse Search, giving much deserving nursing professionals like you the opportunity to gain national recognition and thousands of dollars in prizes!

We’ve already received several amazing stories! Here is another sneak peak at some of the entries:

Two nominations came in for Karla from CT, "She took time out of her busy patient load to help me. After giving me a positive prep talk and helping me organize my priorities for patient care, I was back on track to finish my shift successfully. The night went smoother because Karla gave me confidence in myself."

Cherre nominates Laura from AR, "Her compassion goes as far as making sure her underprivileged families are fed while staying with family members to even assisting with getting clothes for one family to wear to their family member’s funeral."

Kathleen from GA, nominates Rebecca, a certified nurse midwife, "Rebecca makes patients feel informed because she discusses information in a way that is tangible to the patient rather than using terminology that is difficult to understand. She allows them plenty of time to ask questions without making them feel as though they are a ‘time slot’. It is a comfort to the patients because they never feel rushed or pressured. "

Read more stories on the NSO Facebook Outstanding Nurse Search pages.

Every month for five months, our NSO Advisory Board will choose the month’s winning story. Each winning story will be awarded a prize of a $500 shopping spree at the NSO Marketplace. In March, you and the nursing community around the country will vote for the NSO Outstanding Nurse from our five monthly winners. That outstanding nurse will win a grand prize consisting of a $2,000 American Express gift card, along with much-deserved recognition. Learn more details on submission deadlines.

Don’t miss your opportunity to win!

To Enter: Join our Facebook fan page, where you may fill out a simple form and in 500 words or less, tell us why you or your co-worker, mentor or supervisor is an outstanding nursing professional.

The winner will be announced on the Facebook fan page by the 15th of the following month. For example, if you are in the Southeast region and have you submitted your entry by the November 30th deadline, the winner will be posted by December 15th on the Facebook fan page. Winners will also be notified directly via email.

Join NSO’s Facebook fan page for updates and reminders about NSO’s Outstanding Nurse Search!