News & Events

2009 MNA Legislative Awards

From the Massachusetts Nurse Newsletter
November/December 2009 Edition

Freshman Legislator Special Recognition for Legislative Advocacy Award


Sen. Michael Moore (D-Millbury)

Sen. Michael O. Moore was elected to the Massachusetts Senate in 2008. Senator Moore represents Auburn, Grafton, Leicester, Mill- bury, Shrewsbury and Upton, as well as wards 5-8 in Worcester. Born and raised in Millbury, Moore has devoted his adult life to public service. A former police officer, environmental investigator and Millbury selectmen, Moore has an accomplished record of giving back to his community.

During his short time in office, Mike has been a tremendous advocate and ally to nurses, health care professionals and the patients we care for. In addition to signing on as cosponsor of “An Act Relative to Patient Safety,” he has worked closely with the MNA to help prod Senate President Therese Murray into discussions about the future of the bill. He is the lead Senate sponsor of S.1753, a bill that increases criminal penalties for assaulting nurses. He has supported the nurses of St. Vincent Hospital in their campaign opposing the placement of patients in hallways there. He also joined with the nurses of St. Vincent in the campaign to prevent the closure of the St. Vincent Center for Psychiatry. He has worked tirelessly to oppose the governor’s planned closure of the Glavin Developmental Center in Shrewsbury in order to preserve vital services for clients as well as the jobs of the workers who care for them. Moore has accepted every invitation to meet with Region 2 nurses so that he can be as educated as possible about the issues of importance to them. Moore is a steadfast champion of the nurses and health care professionals of Central Massachusetts and statewide. We look forward to continuing our good work with such a strong and dedicated patient and health care advocate.

Special Recognition for Legislative Advocacy Award


Rep. Vincent Pedone (D-Worcester)

State Rep. Vincent Pedone twas elected to represent the 15th Worcester District in 1993. A former social worker, Pedone is aware of the need for advocacy for those who are most vulnerable. He currently serves as chair of the House Committee on Bills in Third Reading.

Pedone has long been an ally of the MNA, but especially so in the last two years. He has attended numerous meetings with members of Region 2. During the state budget session of 2008, he supported preserving the 85/15 health insurance cost split for public sector employees. He also joined Unit 7 members to discuss how the state budget would affect them. He again met with MNA Unit 7 members to discuss the building of the new state hospital that will merge both Worcester and Westborough State Hospitals. He supported and advocated for the nurses of the UMass Medical School during contentious negotiations when the hospital was seeking to erode the nurses’ mandatory overtime protections. He is once again a cosponsor of “An Act Relative to Patient Safety.” He supported the nurses of St. Vincent Hospital in opposition to the placement of patients in hallways and to prevent the closure of the St. Vincent Center for Psychiatry. Pedone also led the charge in the House of Representatives this year to prevent the closure of the Glavin Developmental Center and other facilities serving the developmentally disabled. Vincent is a true MNA champion and advocate.

Labor Champion Award


Rep. Martin J. Walsh (D-Boston)

Martin J. Walsh, a Democrat representing the 13th Suffolk District of Boston, has been a member of the House of Representatives since 1997. As a lifelong resident of Dorchester, a closely-knit and politically engaged community, Walsh quickly embraced public service as his calling in life.

Over the years, Walsh has remained steadfast in his commitment to organized labor in Massachusetts, the backbone of the Massachusetts working class. After completing his high school education, and long before he entered politics, Walsh followed in his father’s footsteps working as a laborer in Laborers Local 223, headquartered in Boston. From day one in the Legislature, Walsh has been a tireless advocate for labor unions and a vehement opponent of legislation and policy threatening the rights of workers in Massachusetts.

This year, once again Walsh was our leader and champion in trying to protect public employee benefits during the House budget process and pension reform debate. He also worked behind the scenes to try to prevent the closure of facilities serving the developmentally disabled.