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Amid Death And Destruction: New Life In Haiti

Despite the grim scene in Haiti, life, for some, goes on. NPR’s John Poole and Joanne Silberner have been embedded with the Massachusetts 1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team in a field hospital in Port-au-Prince.

Obstetrician Anne Kathryn Goodman oversees births at the Health and Human Services field hospital. As of Friday morning, Jan. 22, six babies had been delivered at the field hospital. Poole and Silberner were there to document the delivery of little Sampson Brazile.

Hear Silberner’s story:

Although Sampson’s parents were relieved after 2 1/2 hours of labor, they look to the future with anxiety. The father, Tony Jean, used to work in a textile factory before the earthquake. But the factory has collapsed and he and his wife do not know what they will do after they leave the field hospital. The Haitian government plans to move 400,000 earthquake victims from the shattered capital to camps in outlying areas in the coming weeks. In the meantime, earthquake relief continues to trickle in slowly.
— Claire O’Neill