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Patriot Ledger Covered Our Story — Now We Need Members to Submit Letters to the Editor

Below is a story that appeared in the Patriot Ledger about our fight for a fair contract, safe staffing and to be treated with respect. Now that this has appeared, we have the opportunity to keep this issue alive in the public’s mind. All members of MNA have a role to play. If you care about this issue and your future at QMC, then let your voice be heard. Write a letter to the editor and email it in ASAP. If you have relatives and friends that you can ask to do the same, please do so. Not all letters will get published, but the more letters that are sent, the more likely one of ours will be published. Remember, the public needs to know why nurses are so concerned about the hospital’s behavior. They need to know what it is like to practice under the conditions you have been given, and why you can’t make all these sacrifices without the hospital agreeing to keep its promise to provide safe staffing to ensure safe patient care. To make sure your letter gets in the paper, try and keep it to 200 words or less. Here is the link to the paper’s letter to the editor page: