A group of MNA members met with State Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante on Friday March 26th to lobby her support of the Patient Safety Act. MNA nurses Heather Fleming (Beverly Hospital), Judi Gross and Sue Hall (Addison Gilbert), Janet Dickinson and Cindy Juncker (Gloucester School Nurses) and Peggy O’Malley (MNA) were also joined by Seniors Beverly Quint and Elaine Ohlson, teacher Jeremy McKeen, Russ Davis of Jobs with Justice and Rosa Blumenfeld, Community Organizer for the North Shore Labor Council.
The group shared their personal stories of staffing problems, from patient outcomes to the stress of not being able to give their patients enough time. A common thread linked all stories: everyone is affected by nurse staffing levels, whether you work in a hospital or are there for a short stay as a patient or with a loved one.
The group did a great job educating Representative Ferrante on the need to pass the Patient Safety Act and had a thorough discussion about each of her questions. We look forward to working with the Representative in the future on safe staffing.
Please visit Patient Safety Act to learn more.
If you would like to help pass the Patient Safety Act, please contact Lainey Titus at ltitus@mnarn.org or 978.977.9205.