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Governor’s Race

As registered nurses charged with caring and advocating for our patients, our voices need to be heard!

From the Massachusetts Nurse Newsletter
October 2010 Edition

This fall we will all have to decide who should be our governor for the next four years.

Learn about the candidates and make your vote count!

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Deval Patrick


  • Completing his first term as governor of Massachusetts.
  • Appointed assistant attorney general for civil rights by Presi­dent Bill Clinton.
  • Practiced law in the private sector and served on various charitable and corporate boards.


  • Signed into law the MNA’s bill that enhanced penalties for those who assault health care professionals on the job.
  • Has used his regulatory authority as gover­nor to rein in exorbitant health insurance premium increases, particularly for small businesses.
  • Believes municipal workers should have some collective bargaining rights regard­ing health care.
  • Closed corporate loopholes, saving the commonwealth millions in revenue.

Position on Question 3*
Patrick opposes Question 3

Running Mate

Tim Murray

  • Former city councilor and mayor of Worcester with a long record of working closely with Worcester-area MNA bargaining units and organized labor.


Tim Cahill


  • Has served as the state treasurer since 2003.
  • Prior to being elected treasurer, Cahill served as a Quincy city coun­cilor and then Norfolk County treasurer.


  • Wants to cut state spending across the board, including local aid, while also cut­ting taxes on businesses and capital gains.
  • Favors cutting or repealing state health care reform law and believes market-led growth and competition are the key to reforming our health care system.

Position on Question 3*
Cahill opposes Question 3

Running Mate

Jill Stein

  • A fourth candidate, Jill Stein, is running on the Green-Rainbow ticket. For infor­mation on her campaign, visit




Charles Baker


  • Served as a health insurance executive, netting up to $1.7 million a year in salary and benefits while Harvard Pilgrim Health Care implemented numerous premium hikes.
  • Served as state secretary of administra­tion and finance from 1994 to 1998. Key architect of Big Dig financing plan, which
    borrowed money against future federal highway dollars, causing a precipitous drop in funding for other road and bridge projects for well over a decade.


  • Will eliminate 5,000 state workers, probably through full-scale privatization of services. This would affect the safety net for vulner­able populations and MNA members who work in state service.
  • Wants to eliminate collective bargaining rights on health insurance for municipal workers, affecting school and public health
    RNs, police, fire and teachers.
  • Would cut corporate tax rates.

Position on Question 3*
Baker opposes Question 3

Running Mate

Richard Tisei

  • Former state senator.
  • Voted in favor of hospital industry-supported safe staffing legislation that would have strengthened the ability of hospital executives to continue dangerous practice of understaffing. (Senate roll call #287, July 17, 2008.)


*Question 3 is a referendum that would drastically cut the sales tax and gut the state budget by $2.5 billion, resulting in cuts to essential state services and local aid.