- The BOD approved a position paper submitted by the MNA Congress on Nursing Practice, “Conscious Sedation: Keeping Your Patient Safe While Protecting Your License in the Practice and Care of Patients Receiving Mild to Moderate Sedation.” It was published in the Massachusetts Nurse.
- The BOD reviewed and approved the revised policies, “MNA Statement on Abortion,” “Statement Concerning the Rights of Professional Nurses/Health Care Professionals in Relation to Ethical or Religious Beliefs,” and “Local Unit Funding.”
- The BOD endorsed the following candidates for U.S. Congress: Stephen Lynch, John Tierney, Barney Frank and John Olver. The BOD discussed strategies for the governor’s race.
- The BOD reviewed and approved the “Union Election Handbook.” It will be going to print and ready for distribution soon—be on the lookout.
- Shirley Thompson, director of operations, announced to the BOD that the video conferencing hardware has been installed at the MNA in Canton. It will be installed in each of the regions over the next few weeks.
The BOD did not meet in October due to convention.