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Studies Documenting the Advantages of Defined Benefit Pension Plans

Below is a list of studies and reports that provide important information about the advantages of defined benefit pension plans, and why the MNA pension proposal is so important for the nurses at Cooley Dickinson Hospital. You can view each of these documents by clicking on the title.

Investment Returns: Defined Benefit vs. 401(k) Plans, Issue Brief , Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, September, 2006

A Better Bang for the Buck – The Economic Efficiencies of Defined Benefit Pension Plans, National Institute on Retirement Security, August, 2008

The Pension Factor – Assessing the Role of Defined Benefit Pension Plans in Reducing Elder Hardships, National Institute on Retirement Security, July, 2009

Shattering the Retirement Glass Ceiling – Women Need a Three-Legged Stool, Issue Brief, National Institute on Retirement Security, May 2009

Retirement Readiness – What Difference Does a Pension Make?, Issue Brief, National Institute on Retirement Security