News & Events

New SEIU Flu Materials

I am excited to announce our completely updated and professionally redesigned influenza worker educational materials for the 2010-2011 flu season available for review and downloading at:

In particular I urge you to read the letter from SEIU leaders Dian Palmer, RN, Dr. Toni Lewis, MD and President Mary Kay Henry on steps we can take to protect ourselves, our family members, patients, residents and clients. The letter urges SEIU locals to engage with management to promote sensible workplace based voluntary flu vaccination programs to include comprehensive worksite based member education along with free and easily accessible flu vaccine.

As a team effort and I want to thank Mark Catlin, Kathy Magaro, Karen Backus, Richard Negri, Kate Thomas and Gene Mechanic.

Bill Borwegen Director,
Occupational Health & Safety Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Desk 202-730-7385
Mobile 202-368-2259