News & Events



Tufts Medical Center Nurses

Join Our Informational Picket for Safe Patient Care

When: Wednesday, March. 16th from 4 – 6 p.m.

Where: Outside the Main Entrance to Tufts Medical Center, 800 Washington St. Boston, MA

The nurses of Tufts Medical Center, joined by supporters and other labor organizations from throughout Greater Boston, are holding an informational picket and rally to call for desperately needed improvements in patient care conditions to ensure safe patient care.

We are utilizing this event to draw the public’s attention to our serious concerns about recent cuts in RN staffing levels and other changes in how we deliver care that has resulted in nurses being forced to care for more patients at one time on nearly every unit. Those changes transformed this hospital from being one of the best staffed hospitals in Boston to the worst staffed hospital in the city. We are also shining a light on the dangerous practice of using mandatory overtime as a staffing mechanism and the inappropriate floating of nurses.

This is just one in a series of actions we are engaging in to convince management to agree to contractually guaranteed, safe staffing levels, and prohibitions against forced overtime and the inappropriate floating of nurses– all of which are needed to ensure that patients at Tufts Medical Center receive the safe care they deserve.

This is a legally protected activity and all nurses can participate if they are off duty or on their break time. Bring your families and friends. Remember, nurses united cannot be defeated!

Join us on March 16 & Show Your Support for Safe Staffing and Safe Patient Care

download flyer here

Directions to Tufts Medical Center: