News & Events

Frequently Asked Questions About a One-Day Strike

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Below you will find a series of frequently asked questions we received from members about a potential one-day strike at Tufts Medical Center. If you have a question that has not been addressed here, contact a member of our negotiating committee, or email David Schildmeier, Director of the MNA’s communications division, at and we will get you an answer.

Are we going to strike?

The decision to strike or not to strike is entirely up to the membership. Under MNA bylaws, should your committee decide a strike is necessary, it must conduct a vote of the membership by secret ballot which, if successful, will authorize the committee to issue the official ten-day notice that we will be going out on strike. At this point, we are still hoping to reach an agreement with management to avoid the need to conduct a strike. However, since management has continued to reject our proposals the committee has called for a one-day strike authorization vote.

Is it legal for us to strike?

Yes. Federal law protects our right to strike, even for a single day. You cannot be disciplined or terminated for engaging in a legal strike. Additionally, no action can be taken against your professional license for participation in a strike.

Does a vote to authorize a strike mean we are going out on strike immediately?

No. The vote gives the MNA Negotiating Committee the authority to call for a strike if necessary. If the hospital comes to the negotiating table and engages in a good faith effort to reach a fair settlement, we will continue to work toward an agreement. However, if management continues to refuse to provide substantive movement on our key issues, the committee would then have the authority to issue its official notice of our intention to hold a one-day strike.

How is the strike vote calculated, is it a percentage of all members or just those voting?

The vote to authorize a strike is based on the total of all those WHO VOTE by secret ballot. If you want your voice heard on this issue, you must show up and cast a vote. Under our bylaws, a simple majority vote can authorize a strike, but a successful strike requires overwhelming support from the membership. Whatever your opinion on this action, again, make sure you cast your vote.