During the 1990s many nurses in Massachusetts unionized with the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) to protect their profession and their patients from a number of bad decisions that were designed to cut costs at the expense of nurses’ clinical practice and their financial security.
Is history repeating itself? Have you experienced any of the following?
- Asked to care for more patients with less support
- Layoffs, forced release time, mandatory overtime
- Replacing registered nurses with unlicensed personnel
- Merging or proposed sale of your facility
- Outsourcing or moving services
- Hiring consultants to redesign your work (beware of time studies)
- Unfilled vacancies or no vacancies when staffing is unsafe
- Increased floating, mandatory call
- Loss of benefits, pensions and earned time
- Job insecurity
Is this happening to you? Hospitals are dusting off the covers of their 1990s playbooks and making the same bad decisions. You can break the cycle. Join with more than 23,000 MNA registered nurses and health care professionals who are uniting to protect our profession and to advocate for our patients.
Call the MNA today!
Eileen Norton, RN, Director of Organizing
Phone: 781.830.5777
Email: enorton@mnarn.org