News & Events

Call for Nominations/ Spring Fling “Postponed”



From: Betsy Prescott, BSN, Chairperson
Stephanie Francis, RN, SA, MNA Rep
The MNA Committee

Date: April 21, 2011

Re: Call for Nominations/Spring Fling "Postponed"

Believe it or not… it’s MNA Committee election time. This is a great opportunity to get involved in the daily function of SEMC. Also, with Steward on board, vigilance will be the watchword. We have listed the offices to be filled below, with a short explanation of the responsibilities of each. Don’t worry; there will be plenty of orientation! All meetings that involve management are paid. That is not to say that there won’t be times when you are not compensated. MNA private committee meetings are one example.

There’s a lot at stake here. There seems to be an all out assault on nurses’ practice not just here, everywhere. So please, we need you! Consider running for office … you won’t regret it!

SEMC – MNA Offices


Shall preside at all meetings of the unit and conduct all other business which comes before this unit; appoint members to all committees, with the approval of Executive Committee, except for the negotiating team which shall be elected by the membership; and serve as ex officio member of each committee except the nominating committee; and, transact such other duties as are usual to this office.


Shall be to notify officers and committees of their elections and/or appointment; send out notices of all called meetings as necessary; see that notices of all meetings are posted on the proper bulletin board in the employer’s facility; keep the minutes of all meetings; keep the roll of the members: preserve all correspondence and other records of the unit; furnish committees with all papers referred to them; and transact such other duties as are usual to this office.


Shall be to receive dues whether directly from local unit members or through MNA collection of all local dues and all other funds of this unit. Pay such bills only as shall have been approved by the Executive Committee; keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. Give a written report at all regular meetings of the Association and transact such other duties as are usual to this office.

Grievance Chairperson:

Coordinate all grievances, keep the Executive Committee informed. Attend all grievance meetings in coordination with the chairpersons and attend arbitrations. Serve as a resource for the MNA Committee and floor representatives.

Membership Chairperson :

Meet and orient all new hires to MNA membership. Provide new hires with information pertaining to MNA membership, dues, etc. Keep the chairpersons apprised of new hires. Also, coordinate with Human Resources so that information is current and timely.

The Negotiating Committee: Made up of six (6) members plus the Executive Committee.

Shall review annually the agreement between the MNA and SEMC; receive from and make recommendations to the Association on proposed revisions to the exist ing agreement; represent the membership in the meetings and negotiations with the Administration; report to the membership on meetings with Administration; and shall be accountable to and take direction from the membership.

All positions are for two years duration. Please fill out the enclosed nominations sheet.

Bv: May 2, 2011

Please return your nominations to: Leann Tibets, RN, M-7 (works mostly days)

*Due to unforeseen circumstances our Spring Fling, scheduled for April 28, 2011, has been postponed until the Fall.

Massachusetts Nurses Association/ National Nurses United

SEMC MNA RNs Call for Nominations

If you are nominating someone other than yourself, please make sure they agree to serve!

You may use the back of this form or a separate sheet of paper as long as all the information is provided. Be sure to sign you name!

Co· Chairperson:

Name of Nominee: _________________ Unit/Work Area: _______ Shift _____
Name of Nominee: _________________ Unit/Work Area: _______ Shift: _____


Name of Nominee: _________________ Unit/Work Area: _______ Shift: _____
Name of Nominee: _________________ Unit/Work Area: _______ Shift: _____


Name of Nominee: _________________ Unit/Work Area: _______ Shift: _____
Name of Nominee: _________________ Unit/Work Area: _______ Shift: _____

Grievance Chairperson:

Name of Nominee: _________________ Unit/Work Area: _______ Shift: _____

Membership Chairperson:

Name of Nominee: _________________ Unit/Work Area: _______ Shift: _____

Negotiating Committee:

Name of Nominee: _________________ Unit/Work Area: _______ Shift: _____


Signature of Nominator: ____________________________

By: May 2, 2011

Please return your nominations to: Leann Tibets, RN, M·7 (works mostly days)

View pdf version of this memo here