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Red Alert!/ Negotiations Yield Frustrations!!!


From: Paula Ryan, RN, Chairperson, Stephanie Francis, RN, BA, MNA Rep, The MNA Bargaining Committee

Date: April 21, 2011

Red Alert!/ Negotiations Yield Frustrations!!!

We met from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on April 15, 2011. We meet again on April 29, 2011 with the Mediator. Management has made it clear they want huge concessions and don’t really care how hard you’re working. Frankly, they did everything but call us liars when we told them what you expressed about patient care and safety at QMC. They don’t believe we speak for you or tell the truth about conditions at the Hospital. They need to hear the outrage directly form you!

A letter with details, including the “take-aways” management wants and intends to get, will follow.

Dust off the picket signs…it’s time!

(download postcard here)