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PROTECT YOUR COLLECTIVE BARGAINING RIGHTS! Contact Your State Representative today!


On April 26th, a majority of the members of the Massachusetts of House Representatives voted to dramatically restrict the rights of municipal employees to collectively bargain over the issue of health insurance. It is critically important that you let your Representative know how you feel about their vote. 

These Representatives voted IN FAVOR of your collective bargaining rights:


Geraldo Alicea Denise Andrews Bruce Ayers Michael Brady
Paul Brodeur Thomas Calter Christine Canavan James Cantwell
Tackey Chan Nicholas Collins Edward Coppinger Geraldine Creedon
Mark Cusack Marcos Devers James Dwyer Lori Ehrlich
Christopher Fallon Robert Fennell John Fresolo Denise Garlick
Coleen Garry John Mahoney Paul Mark James Miceli
Kevin Murphy Rhonda Nyman James O’Day Thomas Petrolati
Denise Provost Kathi-Anne Reinstein Carl Sciortino Joyce Spiliotis
Thomas Stanley David Sullivan Walter Timilty Timothy Toomey
Cleon Turner Marty Walsh Steven Walsh Alice Wolf


Bradford Hill Daniel Winslow    

If your state representative stood up for you, it is important that you call them and thank them for their support. You can say something like this:

My name is ____________________ and I live in __________________. I work for the city/town of ___________ as a _____________. I am calling because Rep. ____________ voted in favor of maintaining collective bargaining rights for municipal workers like me. I wanted to thank Rep. ______________ for standing up for my union rights.

These Representatives voted AGAINST your collective bargaining rights:


Kevin Aguiar James Aciero Brian Ashe Cory Atkins
Demetrius Atsalis Ruth Balser Carlo Basile Jennnifer Benson
John Binienda Garrett Bradley William Brownsberger Antonio Cabral
Linda Dean Campbell Stephen Canessa Gailanne Cariddi Cheryl Coakley-Rivera
Thomas Conroy Michael Costello Sean Curran Robert DeLeo
Brian Dempsey Stephen DiNatale Paul Donato Carolyn Dykema
John Fernandes Ann-Margaret Ferrante Michael Finn Linda Dorcena-Forry
Gloria Fox William Galvin Sean Garballey Anne Gobi
Patricia Haddad Jonathan Hecht Carlos Henriquez Kate Hogan
Russell Holmes Kevin Honan Louis Kafka Michael Kane
Jay Kaufman John Keenan Kay Khan Peter Kocot
Robert Koczera Stephen Kulik Jason Lewis David Linsky
Timothy Madden Liz Malia Christopher Markey Paul McMurtry
Aaron Michlewitz Michael Moran Charles Murphy James Murphy
David Nangle Hank Naughton Sarah Peake Vincent Pedone
Alice Peisch Smitty Pignatelli Angelo Puppolo John Rogers
Dennis Rosa Byron Rushing Jeffrey Sanchez Tom Sannicandro
Angelo Scaccia Paul Schmid John Scibak Stephen “Stat” Smith
Ted Speliotis Christopher Speranzo Harriett Stanley Ellen Story
Benjamin Swan David Torrisi James Vallee Joseph Wagner
Chris Walsh Marty Walz    


Paul Adams Jay Barrows Richard Bastien Matthew Beaton
Nicolas Boldyga Vinnie deMacedo Angelo D’Emilio Geoffrey Diehl 
Ryan Fattman Kimberly Ferguson Paul Frost Susan Williams Gifford
Sheila Harrington Steven Howitt Donald Humason Randy Hunt
Brad Jones Kevin Kuros Steven Levy Marc Lombardo
James Lyons Shauna O’Connell George Peterson Elizabeth Poirier
George Ross Todd Smola David Vieira Daniel Webster
Donald Wong      

If your state representative voted against your collective bargaining rights, call them and tell them you are very upset with their vote. You might say something like this:

My name is ____________________ and I live in __________________. I work for the city/town of ___________ as a _____________. I am calling because Rep. ____________ voted against protecting collective bargaining rights for municipal workers like me. I am calling to let Rep. ____________ know that I am very disappointed and upset about this vote. This vote was not a vote in support of working people, and I would ask the Rep. to reconsider his/her position. Thank you. 

To call your State Representative, call 617/722-2000. You can also go to to get your Representative’s direct phone number. If you don’t know who your State Representative is, go to

What Happens Next

This vote occurred as part of the House debate on the state budget, so while the House vote was discouraging, there are still numerous opportunities to influence the process before anything is actually signed into law. For right now, the most important thing is to call your Representative and let them know how you feel. We will keep you posted on next steps. 


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