Tell Congress: No Cuts to Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid
Call Your Senators – National Call-In Days: July 14-15
As part of the negotiations to raise the national debt ceiling, Wall Street-funded politicians in Congress and the White House are proposing significant cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. They want to:
- Cut Social Security’s COLA – even though Social Security does not contribute one penny to the national deficit, and is financially secure for decades.
- Raise the eligibility age of Medicare from 65 to 67 – threatening the health and lives of tens of millions of seniors and people with disabilities who are dependent on Medicare for health coverage.
- Implement deep cuts in Medicaid funding, assisting the efforts of governors who have targeted Medicaid for state cuts and endangering tens of millions of Americans who count on Medicaid.
866.251.4044 (toll free)
Tell them:
- No cuts to Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid.
- No cuts to Social Security’s COLA.
- No Social Security payroll tax holiday.
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid belong to you – you pay for them in every paycheck. Don’t let them cut it or raid it.
What’s behind this attack?
- The refusal of leaders of both parties to increase taxes on the wealthiest Americans and Wall Street – despite a huge decline in tax revenues from the top 1 percent of taxpayers and the majority of big corporations that evade taxes.
- Efforts to privatize Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and raid these benefits for Wall Street banks, investment houses, and insurance companies. Those who created the economic crisis don’t need more handouts.
NNU has proposed an alternative. Tax Wall Street speculation to rebuild America. We need jobs, healthcare for all, education, and housing for our communities, not more tax breaks for Wall Street, or cuts to our most basic services.
Learn more about NNU’s Main Street Contract for the American People – a new direction that puts Main Street first and asks Wall Street to pay their fair share. We’re collecting stories about ordinary people facing extraordinary economic challenges – share your story, find us on Facebook, take the Main Street pledge, endorse the contract, and know that you and your family are not alone in these difficult times.
National Nurses United
8630 Fenton Street, Suite 1100
Silver Spring, MD 20910