Your MNA negotiating committee is taking this opportunity to keep our members informed about recent developments within our bargaining units, including the outcomes from recent rounds of contract talks with management.
The most pressing issue for the membership was the announcement and implementation of layoffs by management at both campuses. This is an unfortunate development, and we believe a misguided decision by management to further cut staff and resources at the expense of nurses ability to deliver the quality care our patients deserve. While management cites budgetary concerns related to the advent of health care reform and the need to adjust operations in light of changes in how our facility will be reimbursed for care, we believe these changes will have severe unintended consequences in the form of poorer patient outcomes that will result in even lower reimbursement for our facility.
While we have communicated these concerns to management, they have proceeded with the layoffs. A total of 39 nurses have been slated for layoff on both campuses, with 24 positions cut on the Memorial campus and 15 positions eliminated on the University Campus.
Memorial Campus Cuts
3 positions from Labor & Delivery; 4 positions from Mother Baby; 1 position from NICU
1 position from Cardiac Ultrasound; 5 positions from South 3; 2 positions from South 6; 1 position from 2 ICU; 2 positions from West One; In addition 5 RNs had their hours reduced which also is considered a layoff
There were no cuts to the Hahnemann campus. As you remember, the hospital announced in February that it was planning to sell the Home Health and Hospice service, which would impact over 50 RNs who work in that service. So far, several potential buyers have expressed interest. We are tracking this process closely and continue to oppose this sale.
University Campus Cuts
4 positions from 5 East (pedi); 3 positions from PICU; 3 positions from Lakeside 3 ICU; 2 positions from Cardiac Step-down; 1 position from EP Lab; 2 positions from Cardiac Cath Lab; In addition 1 RN had hours reduced which is also considered a layoff
Starting March 5th, we began meetings with the impacted nurses to review their options based on their seniority. .We understand this is a complicated and emotional process and as such we urge you to review the “reduction in force” section of your MNA contract, and to seek out an MNA rep to learn more about how this works and how this may affect you.
Update on Contract Talks
We just completed our second round of talks since the new year. Not much has happened. Management presented a financial presentation where, lo and behold: the sky is falling and we stand to lose lots of money. Unfortunately, this is the same presentation we see every time we open our contract and we have informed management that we have little faith in their financial projections. Of more concern is the outline of “concepts” they have floated as to what they will be looking for once talks start in earnest. This includes:
- They want the right to float any nurse to any unit without restriction.
- They want all nurses to be on call.
- They once again have signaled their intent to go after your pension benefit.
- And they have also signaled a desire to cut our health insurance benefit.
Again, we haven’t seen formal proposals on this, but we are very concerned about, and will oppose, any effort to alter our working conditions or take away any of our rights and benefits. We understand this is a tough time for all of us, so please stick together and stand together as we fight for our future.