From the Massachusetts Nurse Newsletter
July/August 2012 Edition
A helping hand in Worcester
MNA Region 2 volunteers and their families joined others in the Central MA labor community to help out with the annual National Letter Carriers Food Drive in May. MNA members drove postal routes to assist letter carriers in picking up non-perishable food items which were later delivered to food pantries all over Worcester.
Flying the flag: MNA/NNU members from Region 5, followed by the MNA Mobile Unit, participated in the Dorchester Day parade.
Suporting fellow union workers in Plymouth
In June, Jordan Hospital nurses Stephanie Stevens and Carolyn Fahey walked the picket line outside the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth with their union brothers and sisters from Utility Workers Local 369. Members of Local 369 were locked out by Louisiana-based Entergy Corp for nearly a month before a new four-year contract was finally ratified on July 8.