Understanding that retired nurses have much to contribute to the profession and the Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United, the MNA/NNU Board of Directors is in the process of forming a “Retired Nurses Group” for those who want to stay connected to and involved with the MNA/NNU after they leave the workplace.
“Our retirees are an underutilized and often untapped resource for input and participation in a variety of activities of the association, and we want to engage these nurses who have so much to contribute to our success,” said Donna Kelly-Williams, RN, president of the MNA/NNU.
The specific mission and goals of the group will be determined by the membership of the group in conjunction with the Board of Directors, but the first step in this process is identifying those nurses who are interested in joining this exciting group of seasoned activists.
If you are a retired nurse and are interested in joining this group, contact Eileen Norton at enorton@mnarn.org; 781-830-5777.