September 11, 2012
Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United Supports Chicago Teachers
The 23,000 registered nurses and health professionals represented by the Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United pledge our solidarity and strong support for striking members of the Chicago Teachers Union.
As a union which represents many nurses, including school nurses in public service who are struggling to maintain their own professional integrity in the face of a constant assault on our rights and benefits, we know the issues that are at the heart of your fight are critical to the public interest.
Your strong stance for quality public education at a time when teachers and public education, and all working people, are under assault in so many corners of our nation is an inspiration to all. The whole country, indeed, is watching.
In particular, we strongly support your efforts to assure limits on class sizes, which are vital to a quality environment to nurture learning, and your efforts to protect standards to keep experienced teachers in the classroom.
Your fight is our fight, for your students, your colleagues, and the future of quality public education.
In Solidarity,
Donna Kelly-Williams, RN
President, Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United
President, Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United