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MNA/NNU Endorses Stephen Lynch for U.S. Senate Seat in Special Election


MNA Endorses Stephen Lynch for U.S. Senate Seat in Special Election
Cites His Commitment to Issues Important to Nurses and Other Workers, Quality Health Care for All and Safe RN Staffing to Improve Quality Patient Care
CANTON, MA — The Massachusetts Nurses Association /National Nurses United (MNA/NNU), the largest union of registered nurses and health professionals in the Commonwealth, today announced that it has endorsed U.S. Congressman Stephen Lynch for U.S. Senate in the Massachusetts special election.
“Our endorsement of Congressman Lynch was based on his outstanding record of supporting a number of issues important to frontline nurses in Massachusetts, including his longstanding support for Federal and state legislation to require safe RN-to-patient staffing limits for nurses in acute care hospitals, safer working conditions for nurses, and access to quality health care for all in America,” said MNA/NNU President, Donna Kelly-Williams, RN. 
Nurses have also seen firsthand how the economy has affected our patients, friends and family through the loss of jobs, their homes and their retirement savings,” Kelly-Williams added.  “As a former iron worker and president of the Iron Workers Union, Lynch’s record on issues important to labor and working families is beyond dispute, and includes his commitment to supporting a progressive agenda to create jobs with living wages, provide quality housing, education and a secure retirement for all.”  
MNA Board Member Kathy Metzger remembers Lynch’s tireless efforts to support nurses at Brockton Hospital when they were on strike in 2001 for 104 days to win improvements in RN staffing levels and an end to the dangerous practice of mandatory overtime for nurses.  “Steve Lynch was with us every day of that strike, supporting us on the picket line and as an elected leader using his power and influence to stand up for nurses and patients.  He has continued that support for the last decade, and in the Senate, he would continue that work, not only for nurse, but also for all workers who are struggling in this economy.”
“I am incredibly grateful to have the backing of the Massachusetts Nurses Association,” Rep. Lynch said.  “I have walked with nurses on the picket line, and supported them in the halls of the State House and the Capitol Building.  Their efforts not only improve working conditions at hospitals and other health care settings, but also improve patient safety and quality of care.  I am honored to have their support in this campaign, and I will continue to fight on their behalf in the U.S. Senate.” 
Lynch has also expressed support for the MNA/NNU’s call for a “Robin Hood Tax,” a small tax on the risky Wall Street financial transactions that would raise billions of dollars each year to support initiatives to rebuild the middle class, while curtailing reckless trading practices. 
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Founded in 1903, the Massachusetts Nurses Association is the largest professional health care organization and the largest union of registered nurses in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Its 23,000 members advance the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, promoting the economic and general welfare of nurses in the workplace, projecting a positive and realistic view of nursing, and by lobbying the Legislature and regulatory agencies on health care issues affecting nurses and the public.  The MNA is also a founding member of National Nurses United, the largest national nurses union in the United States with more than 170,000 members from coast to coast.