At the 2012 MNA Convention, the membership voted to investigate the feasibility of BSN education for MNA members. Join us for an informational session on June 18, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. to learn about the process of application, financing and navigating a return to school. Meeting will be held at the MNA headquarters in Canton and will be video-conferenced to the regional offices.Each school will give a brief overview of their curriculum, admission criteria and online availability.
Participating Schools:
Registration: Contact Liz Chmielinski to register for all sites at 781-830-5719,, or complete and mail the attached registration form (download form here) to MNA attention: Liz Chmielinski, 340 Turnpike Street, Canton, MA 02021.
Each school will give a brief overview of their curriculum, admission criteria and online availability.