News & Events

UMass University Nurses Strike Update: Contract Talks Scheduled Today At DCU Shark Tank from 2 – 6 p.m.-Pre-Strike Rally at Coral Seafood at 6

Management will be meeting with our negotiating team for one more round of talks today from 2 – 6 p.m. at the DCU Center in the Shark Tank Room, where we hope they are finally ready to come to terms on a  fair contract that addresses our staffing concerns.  We encourage members who can be there to attend the session to observe and show your support . 

In the meantime preparations for the strike are in full swing, and members are getting ready to make a stand for their patients and their practice.  Below you can find our Strike Handbook, which provides information on the strike, including parking arrangements we have made and answers to commonly asked questions. 

If you haven’t signed up for strike picketing, contact your committee representative to sign up for the strike picket schedule.

We hope everyone not working tonight can join us for our pre-strike rally at 6 Cpral;Seafppd..   Of course we will keep you updated  on any developments throughout the day via these updates, and on University Messenger: located at:!/groups/152126544939667/?fref=t 

As always, stay strong, stay united and we will never be defeated. 

Get the UMass University Nurses Strike Handbook here: