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MNA Salem Nurses Begin Leafleting Campaign to Educate the Public About Partners Attempt to Cut Our Salary Scale — Join This Effort

Download the flyer: files/file/NSMC%20vs%20Partners%2002(1).pdf

At open members meetings held on Nov. 20, nurses unanimously endorsed your negotiating committee’s recommendation that it was time to take our concerns about the hospitals demand to cut your salary scale and overtime benefit directly to the public.  To do so, we are beginning a public leafleting campaign, where nurses will hand out the attached flyer to members of the public.  Please note, this is a legally protected right under federal law.  We hope that all members can join this effort in the weeks to come.

Where can you distribute these flyers?

If you wish, you can hand out these flyers at the entrance to the hospital (but not inside the hospital).  You can also take these flyers and hand them out at any and all events you go to on a regular basis, including your kids or grandkids soccer, basketball, football and hockey games; outside grocery stores, the post office, local senior centers etc.  The easiest place to begin this process is at family gatherings. 

Where can I get flyers?

Our Chair Fran O’Connell will have a supply as will other members of the committee, and you are also free to download and print out copies of the attached version if you need to. 

This is the first in a series of actions we are contemplating in the coming weeks to convince management to do the right thing and remove their call for takeaways at the negotiating table  You can help by joining this leafleting campaign and by wearing our No Takeaways button every day. 

Stay tuned for further communications about other activities as they are developed. 

And remember, nurses united can never be defeated!