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SUPPORT AMENDMENT #800: Protect Emergency Mental Health Services in Southeastern Massachusetts

The Department of Mental Health has announced plans to shut down state-operated emergency mental health services for all of Southeastern Massachusetts, including the Cape and Islands. This plan was announced absent a review of the impact of this cut on services or a plan for serving clients in crisis who rely on these services. You can help prevent this by ensuring that Sen. Rodrigues’ amendment #800 is adopted as part of the Senate budget.

Please contact your state senator and tell him or her that:

·       These services are currently provided by mental health professionals to nearly 6,000 at-risk clients, including upwards of 2,000 children, who depend on these critical, life-saving services.

·       This 24/7 program currently works to divert MassHealth members and uninsured individuals undergoing a psychological episode from costly inpatient hospital care.

·       Mental health professionals routinely work with local schools and community groups to intervene before a crisis occurs.

·       Southeastern Massachusetts was identified in 2013 as having some of the longest wait times for access to mental health care- this will only make the problem worse.

·       Access to emergency mental health services in Southeastern MA (Offices in Brockton, New Bedford, Fall River, Plymouth, Norton, Hyannis and Pocasset) allows clients and their families build long-term support within their community. If these services are no longer available, people in crisis may have to travel long distances to access help.


You support maintaining these essential mental health services within the department of Mental Health.

Senator Michael Rodrigues has filed an amendment to the FY2016 budget to ensure that these services will continue to be provided in Southeastern Massachusetts.

Please protect emergency mental health services by contacting your state senator and asking him or her to co-sponsor Sen. Rodrigues amendment (#800) to prevent the closure of these facilities.
To find your state senator visit: