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Nurses to Champion Bernie Sanders at New Hampshire Health Care Rally Saturday Before First-in-Nation Presidential Primary

CANTON, Mass. – Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MNA/NNU) nurses who support Bernie Sanders for his values on health care and other social and environmental justice issues will join health care workers from across New England on Saturday at a Health Care Rally for the U.S. presidential candidate.

What: A get-out-the-vote rally of health care workers and canvassing effort
When: Saturday, Feb. 6  at 11 a.m.
Where: 254 N. Broadway, #113, Salem, NH
Who: Available for media interviews will be registered nurses from throughout Massachusetts, including Karen Higgins, RN at Boston Medical Center and National Nurses United Co-President, and Patricia Healy, RN at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston
Karen Higgins will be speaking at the rally along with Mari Cordes, RN at the University of Vermont Medical Center, and Cokie Giles, RN, president of the Maine State Nurses Association and vice president of National Nurses United.
NNU, which represents some 185,000 nurses from California to Florida, became the first national union to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders last August. NNU nurses have been campaigning across the U.S. for months and last Monday night celebrated Sanders’ dramatic finish in Iowa. Saturday’s rally kicks off a final push for MNA/NNU nurses ahead of the New Hampshire primary on Feb. 9. Nurses will be on the ground in the Granite State through Tuesday night.
“Bernie Sanders shares our values by saying that health care is a right, and by continuing to champion single payer healthcare,” Higgins said. “Bernie’s challenge to all of us has been to get involved in a grassroots movement that transforms America. Nurses have taken up that challenge. If we stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.”