3 Ways to Support Baystate Franklin Nurses from our good friends at Massachusetts Jobs with Justice!
1) Join the Strike at 164 High Street in Greenfield
The strike begins at 6 a.m. Monday, June 26 and ends at 6 a.m. on Tuesday, June 27. On Monday at noon and 5 p.m. , we will hold public rallies with elected officials and local leaders to tell Baystate that the community stands with our nurses.
Come anytime for chants, picketing, food, and music! Also support nurses outside the hospital through 7 p.m. Wednesday as Baystate locks out nurses instead of protecting patients and providing quality of life for RNs.
2) Call Baystate CEO Mark Keroack at (413) 794-5890. Tell him to bargain with the nurses in good faith!
Baystate Franklin Medical Center must hire more nurses to ensure patient safety. They must stop cutting our nurses's health insurance. And they should stop taking away their earned vacation and sick time.
3) Write a Letter to the Editor
Find the editor of your local paper or write to George Forcier at the Greenfield Recorder: gforcier@recorder.com. (Need help with an LTE? Email jmarkman@mnarn.org)
Thank you!