The Massachusetts Nurses Association Board of Directors voted last week to issue the following statement affirming the value of diversity in our profession, in our society and in our immigration policies.
Our country is at its best when we embrace humane and unbiased immigration policies that respect the dignity of all people, no matter their, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or country of origin. We offer this statement in response to a series of alarming, racist comments by President Trump targeting specific countries and people from those countries seeking to immigrate to the United States.
As nurses we have an ethical duty to care for and value all people. Our professional responsibility is to treat all people in our care equally no matter their social or economic status, or their ethnicity, or the color of their skin. The thousands of registered nurses who themselves come from the very countries maligned by the President are dedicated and compassionate individuals who strengthen and enrich our profession and our nation. These nurses, along with other dedicated and talented support staff, provide expert care for the most vulnerable in our country without bias or malice.
The American story is one of immigration and inclusion – no door should be shut and no group of people degraded. We all have work to do to improve the health, economic justice, education, and environmental conditions in the United States and throughout the world. We do not advance as people by diminishing others who share this earth.