News & Events

Hearing on 4/30: Call Lawmakers to Support Safe Patient Limits

The Joint Committee on Public Health is holding a hearing today at 1 p.m. on the Patient Safety Act — the ballot measure to enact safe patient limits in all acute care hospital units.
Please urge the chairs of the committee to support #SafePatientLimits. Their State House phone numbers and a model script are below.
Representative Kate Hogan: 617-722-2130
Senator Jason Lewis: 617-722-1206
“Hello, I’m [Your Name and if you are a nurse where you work] and I’m calling because there is a hearing today on the ballot initiatives that would create safe patient limits in Massachusetts. I urge [Name of Legislator You’re Calling] to Support these bills (H. 4112 and 4113) because nurses have been saying for decades that safe limits will improve patient care and improve outcomes. Studies from across the country have backed up the fact that safe limits work and California has already proven that laws creating safe limits can not only keep patients safe but also decrease healthcare costs. Please support these important initiatives.”