We Need Your Help to Address a Growing Crisis for Our Nurses, Our Patients, and Our Communities
Please Call Your State Representative and State Senator Today and Urge Them to Sign onto New MNA Legislation that Would Ensure Safer Staffing with Safe Patient Limits, Reduce Workplace Violence and Preserve Essential Services
Nurses are in crisis. Nurses in our state continue to face longstanding, harrowing conditions in our workplaces- conditions only made worse by the pandemic. We are seeing hundreds of our colleagues leave bedside nursing. At the same time, we are seeing hospital administrators cut services vital to the communities we serve. To retain nurses and grow our profession things need to change. That is why the MNA filed a package of legislation that attempts to address this crisis.
This week we are recruiting legislators across the state to sign on as a co-sponsors of these bills. This is an important first step on their road to becoming law.
We know you are exhausted and may be discouraged by the lack of progress on these issues in the past, but we need you. The value placed on the work done by nurses has never been higher. That is why we are asking you to take just a few minutes to make a call or send an email to voice your support for these bills and ask your elected officials to support them- and you.
If you need to know who your State Senator and State Representative are go to: https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator
The main number for the State House is 617-722-2000.
Hi, I am a constituent and a nurse. I am calling today to ask the Rep/Senator to cosponsor legislation that is important to patients and nurses across the Commonwealth.
I would like the Rep/Senator to co-sponsor these bills today.
1. An Act Improving Patient Safety and Equitable Access to Care (Sen Edwards/Rep Higgins) SD 1660/HD2491
2. An Act Requiring Heath Care Employers to Develop and Implement Programs to Prevent Workplace Violence (Sen Lovely/Rep Garlick) SD580/HD1835
3. An Act Relative to the Closing of Hospital Essential Services (Sen Cyr/Rep Coppinger)
Don’t be afraid to let your legislators know what it is like for you to work in the current environment and as your elected representative, why you expect them to support these important initiatives. To view more information on these bills, and MNA’s full legislative agenda, go to:
Dear Representative/Senator,
I am a constituent and a nurse at (facility name). I am writing to ask you to co-sponsor legislation that will improve care for patients and conditions for nurses.
Please co-sponsor:
1. An Act Improving Patient Safety and Equitable Access to Care (Sen Edwards/Rep Higgins) SD 1660/HD2491
2. An Act Requiring Heath Care Employers to Develop and Implement Programs to Prevent Workplace Violence (Sen Lovely/Rep Garlick) SD580/HD1835
3. An Act Relative to the Closing of Hospital Essential Services (Sen Cyr/Rep Coppinger) SD379/HD267
Nurses and patients need your help.