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Massachusetts Nurses Association Public Statement Regarding the Health Care for Our Armed Services Personnel and Veterans

CANTON, Mass. – The Massachusetts Nurses Association is the professional association for registered nurses in Massachusetts and the largest union of health care professionals in the Commonwealth. MNA advocates for comprehensive high quality care for all in our society. Its 23,000 members are shocked and alarmed by recent reports of outrageous conditions, bureaucratic barriers and inadequate services provided for our returning armed services personnel and veterans. While investigations into the causes and extent of these practices are ongoing, we call on all elected and appointed officials at the federal, state and local levels to do all in their power to pursue the following goals:

  1. Put an end to the privatization and outsourcing of necessary medical and support services within both the armed services and Veteran’s Administration. These practices have led to substandard care, higher costs and allegations of widespread fraud and abuse. We cannot allow our troops and our veterans to continue to suffer at the hands of private corporate interests who, the evidence shows, are placing a focus on profits ahead of the interests of our service personnel.
  2. Streamline access to the full range of medical, mental health and rehabilitative benefits in the transition from military to civilian life. If someone is found to be injured or disabled while in the service, there should be no delay in the delivery of all necessary services while entering the ranks of veterans.
  3. Restore the practice of full access for all veterans to the VA system for all necessary care. While the MNA advocates for comprehensive, quality care for all in our society, veterans cannot wait for that worthy social goal to be achieved. Those who sacrifice so much to protect the well being of all in our society, deserve an immediate guarantee of all appropriate care to restore their health and well being to the fullest extent possible.