News & Events

Nurses to Join Major Rally at State House on May 9th to Push for Final “Yes” on Health Care Constitutional Amendment at Wednesday’s Constitutional Convention

May 8, 2006 (BOSTON, MA) — Dozens of people, including health care professionals and advocates, teachers, members of labor, business and faith-based groups, and concerned citizens from across the state will accompany members of the Health Care for Massachusetts Campaign (HCMC) Tuesday, May 9th to rally for the second and final "yes" vote on the Health Care Constitutional Amendment at the May 10th Constitutional Convention. The Amendment, which is supported by 120 organizations, including the Massachusetts Nurses Association, will guarantee every Massachusetts resident access to affordable, comprehensive coverage for medically necessary health and mental health care services, prescription drugs and devices. A "yes" vote will send the Amendment to voters this November.

Health care professionals and advocates, teachers, faith-based communities, labor and business groups and concerned citizens

Rally for the Health Care Constitutional Amendment

In front of the State House

Tuesday, May 9, 2006 from 12 to 1pm

Heidi Boie 508.846.5307