News & Events

The Status Conference is at 9:30 at the Federal Court House Judge Saris IS RESIDING (MC)

The status conference on the 15th is when, BU and NIH will pretty much tell the judge exactly what they said in that document that Doug sent around (ATTACHED) We’ll have the chance to express our displeasure, but it’s basically where the judge makes sure we’ll all on the same page with the timeline.

Judge Saris likes to see the roompacked with residents. Let’s not disappoint her!!

City Council Hearing
City Hall Chambers
Sponsored by; Chuck Turner, Charles Yancey, Sam Yoon, Micheal Flaherty and John Connolly

Hearing on the Questioning of the Rdna research procedures that arebanned and proposed to be used by BU.

Participating in the debate will be; Marc Pelletier and Daniel Goodenough
Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Executive Director,Boston Public Health Commission, Dr. Mark S. Klempner

To to get a gist of the turn-out can you email back if you can attend or send someone to attend both or oneof the events.Spead the word. Please contact all the groups from around the City and Greater Boston areas to show their support by attending the dates above. Contact our churches and organizations to be a part of the 15th.