News & Events

Notice of Recission of Two Commissioner of Public Health Orders Related to Flu Pandemic

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing to notify you that two of the Commissioner’s orders related to the flu pandemic have been rescinded.  Copies of the following rescission orders can be found here:

1)     Rescission of Determination and Order Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 111, s. 5A: Prescribing and Dispensing Tamiflu® for Oral Suspension
2)     Rescission of Order Allowing For the Administration of Vaccine by Designated Health Care Professionals and Medical and Nursing Students

We would appreciate your assistance in distributing these materials to your members and others.

Thank you for all of your efforts to protect the health of Massachusetts residents.
Jean Pontikas
Interim Director, Bureau of Health Care Safety and Quality
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
99 Chauncy Street, 11th Floor
Boston, MA  02111
Telephone: 617.973.0941
Fax: 617.973.0983