News & Events

Region One Members Continue to Fight for Single Payer

On May 27th over 100 advocates called on Congressman Richard Neal to cosponsor H.R.676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act. The rally, held at noon in front of Neal’s district office in Springfield, was well attended by MNA members and staff. The bill, authored by Rep. John Conyers of Michigan is co-sponsored by most of the Massachusetts’ congressional delegation including Representatives John Olver of Amherst and Jim McGovern of Worcester. So far, Neal has declined to join his colleagues in advocating for this essential patient-centered healthcare reform. Gail Bean, RN, an MNA member-activist spoke passionately and forcefully about the responsibility nurses have to advocate for their patients at the bedside and legislatively. The event drew extensive media coverage, and Gail was featured in a news story on WAMC (Northeast Public Radio). MNA members continue to campaign for meaningful national health care reform, based on a single-payer health care model. In April, nurses participated in single-payer rallies in Greenfield and Northampton. MNA members also traveled to Washington, DC, in May and June to rally and lobby for single-payer healthcare, the Employee Free Choice Act, and Federal Safe Staffing legislation.