News & Events

Season of Change

By Chris Folsom, Region One Chair

The season has changed and the warmth and longer hours of sunlight has brought with it renewed energy. The Region One office is changing. We are making a very small hop across the hall to achieve a giant leap in our ability to meet our members needs. The two new conference areas will accommodate meetings, negotiations and our many, varied educational programs, including the extremely popular computer classes and Labor School. We will be having an open house when we get settled. I hope you will join us. Lots of other things are changing. MNA association with CAN/NNOCC and UAN has the potential to form a National Nurses Union that will give us an unprecedented voice at the National level. You will be hearing more about this in the months to come. With a new administration in the White House taking up burning issues like Health Care Reform, the potential effects on our lives and our practice are huge. The truth is that change is inevitable, but the outcome isn’t. Don’t underestimate the power you have, individually and collectively, to affect the direction of those changes. Here’s to an exiting new season!