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Oct 13 09 Survey of doctors’ opinions of payers (Medical Group Management Association)- Medicare Part B ranked highest

The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) has conducted its second annual poll to determine group practice professionals’ attitudes about payer interactions. This year’s questionnaire focused on seven large payers: Aetna, Anthem, CIGNA, Coventry, Humana, Medicare Part B and United Healthcare. More than 1,700 practice professionals participated in the poll. Results reflect the members’ perceptions of the payer environment in areas of payer communications, provider credentialing, contracting, payment policies, system transparency and overall satisfaction.

MGMA is the representative of group practices that are major suppliers of physician services for those health plans.

MGMA members gave Medicare Part B highest marks on questions related to responsiveness, transparency, prompt payment and overall satisfaction with general administrative functions. Despite the fact that Medicare consistently underpays and places member practices in an increasingly difficult financial situation – with a looming 21 percent cut to physician payments – MGMA members were positive about the standardized and predictable nature of how the program is administered.

The survey is at this link:
Press Release at:

None of the payers reached a rating of much over 3 (out of 5), showing that most doctors don’t think much of any of the payers they do business with. 

Appears to be a perfect opportunity for CMS to work with physicians to adopt the improved reimbursement practices recommended by MEDPAC, the independent Congressional agency established by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-33) to advise the U.S. Congress on issues affecting the Medicare program.

Obviously other things beside money are important for doctors, like comprehensive and standardized administrative practices, which single payer would support. 

Mary Crotty RN JD
MA Nurses Association
340 Turnpike St
Canton MA 02021