News & Events

Worcester Interfaith Vigil in Support of St. Vincent’s Nurses!

When: Thursday, March 25th from 7:15-8:30 p.m.

Where: At North Entrance to St. Vincent Hospital, 123 Summer St, Worcester (plenty of parking in nearby garages, lots, and at meters)

What: Worcester’s Faith Communities stand in Solidarity with the St. Vincent Nurses, as they hold steadfast in seeking safety standards in staffing and for patient safety. In the middle of a worldwide pandemic and widespread economic, housing, health and food insecurity, it is not the time for corporations to put profit over safe working conditions and patient safety. We must support our front line workers who have put their lives at stake to support our most vulnerable residents. This is not the time to negotiate with peoples’ lives. It is our moral imperative to take care of and protect one another. We invite you to stand in Solidarity with the St. Vincent’s nurses and faith community as we hold a vigil and prayers for their courage and victory.

For more information contact Devra Goldstein at