News & Events

Alternative Vision for the BU Lab

Below are documents outlining an Alternative Vision” for use of the $200 million lab space constructed by Boston University on the Boston Medical Center campus. MNA has been active for over 5 years in the coalition of scientists, public health experts, and community residents opposing the placement of a dangerous “Level 4” laboratory on a dense populated hospital campus site. Massachusetts state and U.S. federal courts have found that the environmental risk analysis done by BU which led to the lab development was a sham and have called for BU to submit a plan showing the BMC site is optimal and safe. This cannot be done, however, but it isn’t optimal or safe.

Consequently, the coalition has developed these alternative documents which call for use of the space for badly needed public health purposes—for development of antivirals and broad spectrum anticiotics and vaccines which address the vast array of current public health scourges which need to be our priority. These include things like influenca, diarrheal diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, childhood diseases, MRSA, and on and on.

For more information please contact Mary Crotty, RN JD at the Massachusetts Nurses Association. Feel free for forward these documents and this cover note as you think would be helpful.

Narrative Intro.

Executive Summary

Full Proposal