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Please call your State Representative RIGHT NOW!

Representative Kay Khan has filed an amendment to a major health care bill, which will be debated on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, that would allow unlicensed personnel to administer medication. The education, training, background and assessment skills of registered nurses are critical to safety, improved patient outcomes and cost savings. Nurses strongly oppose this amendment as it alters the nurse practice act, deskills nursing care by replacing RNs with unlicensed personnel and endangers patient safety. Please call your State Representative TODAY at 617.722.2000 and tell him/her to oppose Amendment 164 to Health Care Payment Reform!

Script for calling your Representative
Hello, this is ______ and I am a registered nurse. I’m calling today to ask that the Representative oppose Amendment 164 to the health care payment reform bill. This amendment will alter the nurse practice act to allow unlicensed personnel to administer medications. I oppose this amendment because it not only puts my license in jeopardy, it also endangers patient safety. I hope that the Representative will join me in opposing this dangerous amendment. Thank you!

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