News & Events

Contract Update: We Have Reached an Agreement!

 UMass University Nurses

Contract Update

Strike is Off


After hours of negotiations today we are delighted to report that we have reached a tentative agreement with UMMMC management that we believe provides the staffing improvements nurses need to provide the care our patients deserve. 


The three-year contract provides for significant improvements in staffing levels on all floors with limits on nurses patients assignments we sought to ensure safe patient care. 


We believe this is a fair agreement that is a victory for all of us, nurses, management and most important of all, our patients and community.


Members can expect to receive a copy of the full agreement in the next few days, and a vote to ratify the contract will be scheduled soon. 


The committee wants to thank every member for their strong support throughout this process and for your willingness to put it all on the line for each other and your patients.  We also want to thank those members who were in the gallery at negotiations today for their input and moral support.  You truly had our backs.  To all our members, be proud, you are a credit to your profession. 


We also want to thank Congressman James McGovern, who played a pivotal role in the last few days to work with both parties to get us to the table so that an agreement could be reached.  He is a true friend to nurses and a powerful advocate for our patients and community.