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UPDATE on Brigham nurse negotiations 6.17.16

Brigham nurses overwhelmingly authorized a one-day strike for June 27 on Monday, June 13. Nurses are prepared to strike unless the hospital and owner Partners HealthCare offer a fair contract settlement that values patients and nurses over corporate profits.

From the 17-member Brigham RN bargaining committee about negotiations on June 17:

“The 17 registered nurses on our bargaining committee were elected to represent 3,300 Brigham nurses. Brigham nurses are united in their belief that nothing matters more than safe patient care. We showed that Monday by voting by the thousands for a one-day strike. Today we entered negotiations seeking a fair contract settlement that values our patients above anything else. Unfortunately, the owner of our hospital, billionaire corporation Partners HealthCare, showed its true colors. Partners doubled down on destroying the Brigham Way of excellence in patient care. Brigham/Partners refused to address patient safety concerns today, but is willing to spend millions on mercenary nurses.

“By valuing profits over patients, Partners endangers the community and disrespects nurses. This was evident today during negotiations. Partners wants to maintain dangerous staffing levels for some of the Brigham’s sickest patients, all for the sake of corporate profits. Nurses are prepared to strike unless Partners offers a fair settlement that values patients over profits. What are Brigham nurses looking for? It is very simple. Every patient deserves safe care and every nurse deserves a fair wage and equal benefits. We plan to return to the bargaining table on Monday, June 20 to continue our fight against corporate greed.”

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